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The Church on Mission: Growing Together
September 12, 2021
The Church On Mission: Growing Together
Sermon by Pastor Bob Johnson / Sept 12, 2021
Text: Matthew 28:19-20
Topic: Discipleship
Theme: Disciples making disciples
Key Statement: The Church Mission is the Great Commission
Jesus summed up the mission of the church with the Great Commission. We can’t lose sight of this mission from God.
- Our Authority. Matthew 28:18
- Our authority comes from God.
- Complete authority (all power is given unto me)
- Absolute authority (in heaven and in earth)
- Our authority compels us to go.
- Purposed action (go)
- Personal reaction (ye therefore)
The Church Mission is the Great Commission
- Our Assignment. Matthew 28:19
Two major aspects of the Great Commission: Evangelism and Discipleship!
- Our assignment is to evangelize the lost.
- Salvation – (teach all nations)
- Baptism – (baptizing them)
- Our assignment is to disciple the saved.
- Alignment – (teaching them to observe all things)
- Transfer – (whatsoever I have commanded you)
The church mission statement is “To Know Christ and Make Him Known.”
To Know Christ = Discipleship
-Worship with Us and Grow with Us
To Make Him Known = Evangelism
-Serve with Us and Go with Us
Discipleship: Helping others become what you already are.
Discipleship path: Worship with us, grow with us, serve with us and go with us.
Listen: As a church family, we grow together, and we go together!
Greatest disciple maker was Jesus Christ – the incarnate God.
- Our Advocate. Matthew 28:20
- Our Advocate is faithful – I am with you always
- Power (I am)
- Presence (with you always)
- Our advocate is merciful – even unto the end of the world
- Fulfillment of God’s timeline (the end)
- Timelessness of God’s agenda (of the world)