Moving Forward

August 18, 2024

Sermon by Pastor Brent Snook / August 18, 2024


Text: Nehemiah 2


Nehemiah – a prayer warrior / prayed for 4 months 

Read Nehemiah 2:1-4

A. Dialogue

We must learn to do 2 things:

  1. and pray
  2. and pray

3 Statements from Scripture to Learn

  1. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13)
  2. Sit still .. until you know how the matter will turn out (Ruth 3:18)
  3. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

“It is only the man with a crushing sense of burden and responsibility that God can trust with His work.” – Alan Redpath

“Prayer brings to pass things that would never otherwise occur.” – E.M. Bounds

B. Details

Read Nehemiah 2:5-8

Nehemiah was not only praying: he was planning.

A Four-Fold Answer

  1. He asked King Artaxerxes to appoint him governor of Judah – to rebuild the city walls
  2. He gave the king an approximate time he would return
  3. He needed letters of introduction that would guarantee safe travel
  4. He requested letters of authority that would provide materials to build the walls


Read Nehemiah 2:10

The enemies that began their opposition: Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem

“The door of opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition”


READ Nehemiah 2:11-16

Sometimes the most spiritual things we can do is … nothing.

A wise leader knows when to plan, when to speak and when to work.


Read Nehemiah 2:17-20

A. His (Nehemiah 2:17)

B. God’s (Nehemiah 2:18)

C. Man’s (Nehemiah 2:19)

When God raises up a man or woman to do a work for Him, Satan always raises up those to hinder

  1. Scorning 
  2. Slandering 

Read Galatians 1:10

“Maturity is moving from a thin skin and a hard heart to a soft heart and a tough skin.” – Oswald Sanders

D. Our (Nehemiah 2:20)


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