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Week of December 17, 2023

Will You Be Our Guest? | The Gift of Christmas Concert | Tonight at 6:00 PM
We hope you’ll come tonight to experience the wonder of Christmas at our special musical presentation! The Gift of Christmas is an amazing concert by the worship and tech ministries of FBCGE, directed by Pastor Allen Haughton! The concert begins at 6:00 PM, so come early to get your seats. It’s free to all! (And it’s not too late to invite a friend or two!)
Christmas Offering | Giving dates – December 17 and 24
This year, your Christmas offering will go a long way towards purchasing much-needed new carpet in the Children’s Wing! You’re more than welcome to give online by clicking here.
A Very Special Sunday at FBC | Christmas Services next week
We invite you to include us in your Christmas plans! Next week, our Christmas Eve worship services are at 9:00am and 10:30am – AND our Candlelight Service is at 6:00pm. We will all have a chance to make our Christmas extra meaningful by worshipping the Christ of Christmas!
Ladies Christmas Celebration | Tomorrow at 7:00 PM | Fireside Room
Come enjoy a Christmas celebration with our Ladies Ministry! Bring an appetizer or dessert to share! We’ll be revealing our Secret Prayer Pal identities! (If you didn’t participate in Secret Prayer Pals but would like to take part in the gift exchange, please bring a $10-$15 gift to exchange)