A Recipe for Revival

October 20, 2024   /   FBC Glen Este

Sermon by Pastor Brent Snook / October 20, 2024


Text: Nehemiah 9

Revival is the Holy Spirit moving that results in obedience and passion for God

Revivals of the past:

  1. Jonathan Edwards
  2. George Whitfield
  3. DL Moody

Repentance is turning from our sin, and turning to our God


Read Nehemiah 9:1-3

Open confession has been a part of every revival:

  • fasting
  • sack cloth (clothing of repentance)
  • dirt on their head 

The reason many Christians can’t stay right with God is
they keep company with the wrong people.


Read Nehemiah 9:4-37


The people began their prayer with praise

The reason for their praise (see Nehemiah 9:6)

Attributes of God

  • God
  • God
  • God
  • God


We can draw a few principles from their prayer

  1. preceded blessing (Neh 9:7-8)
  2. goeth before fall (Neh 9:9-11)
  3. God’s is still best (Neh 9:12, 16-17)
  4. God’s is greater than your sin

Added Characteristics of God

  1. He is a God (Neh 9:19-20)
  2. He is a (Neh 9:24-25) / Jehovah Tsaba
  3. He is a chastening (Neh 9:26-27)
  4. He is a (Neh 9:31)
  5. He is a (Neh 9:32-33)


Read Nehemiah 9:38

Are you prone to wonder like the Israelites? Make a covenant to stand and serve God.




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