Life Guide

May 16, 2021   /   Pastor Bob Johnson   /   FBC Glen Este

Life Guide

Sermon by Pastor Bob Johnson / May 16, 2021

Main Bible Text: Romans 8:11

Additional Scripture: John 14:16, John 14:26

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit :

a reference to the Holy Spirit in all believers during the church age.

How does the Holy Spirit guide you?

I. The Holy Spirit you

John 14:26, John 16:13

The Holy Spirit Teaches You as revealed in God’s Word.

The Holy Spirit Teaches You as you learn the truth from God’s Word.

II. The Holy Spirit you

John 16:8

He convicts you of

He convicts you of

He convicts you of

Matthew 12:36, Romans 14:12

III. The Holy Spirit you

John 14:16

4 Questions to Ask
  1. Does “this” violate ?
  2. Does “this” violate ?
  3. Does “this” violate the in my heart? (Colossians 3:15)
  4. Does “this” violate ? (Proverbs 11:14)




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