October 17, 2021   /   Pastor Bob Johnson   /   FBC Glen Este

Title: God in 5G

Sermon by Pastor Bob Johnson / Oct 17, 2021

Text: Psalm 145



Psalm 145 Background

-The last Psalm attributed to David and most likely written toward the end of David’s life

-One of the nine Psalms that uses a Hebrew form of poetry called an acrostic because each verse egins with a letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

-This is the only Psalm that starts with a Praise of David.

-Some have called this particular Psalm, David’s swan song.

-It seems fitting that David would systematically and theologically, write a Psalms of Praise!

I. David Declares His Praise

a. He declares his to give praise (Psalm 145:1)

b. He declares his to give praise (Psalm 145:2)

II. David Expresses His Praise

He expresses praise for God’s GREATNESS (Psalm 145:3-6)

a. God’s greatness is

b. God’s greatness is

c. God’s greatness is

d. God’s greatness is

He expresses praise for God’s GOODNESS Psalm 145:7, Psalm 145:9-10)

a. God’s goodness the heart.

b. God’s goodness His creation.

c. God’s goodness the saints.

He expresses praise for God’s GRACIOUSNESS (Psalm 145:8)

a. God’s graciousness is

b. God’s graciousness is

He expresses praise for God’s GLORY (Psalm 145:11-13)

a. God’s glorious

b. God’s glorious

c. God’s glorious

He expresses praise for God’s GENEROSITY (Psalm 145:14-20)

a. God

b. God

c. God

III. David Concludes His Praise (Psalm 145:21)

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