Unstable: When Faith and Doubt Collide

June 26, 2022   /   FBC Glen Este

Unstable: When Faith and Doubt Collide

A Sermon by Pastor Bob Johnson / June 26, 2022

Bible Text: James 1:2-8

“Doubt is removed when faith is pursued.”

The Cause of Doubt (James 1:2-4)

  1. The of Trials

Not IF but WHEN

Fall = fall into something that is all around you.

Satan fights against us, the world opposes us, and our sinful flesh wants to dominate us – life is a battle.

  1. The of Trials

Diverse (Variety) = polka dots – many sizes and colors

  1. The of Trials

Testing by implication means trustworthiness.

(1 Peter 1:7) “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”

Patience = hopeful endurance

Courageous perseverance in the face of suffering and difficulty.

God is trying to move you to Christian maturity – He’s growing your faith, He’s proving what is trustworthy, and He’s developing Christlikeness in you.

When trials come, you will either respond in faith, or you will react in doubt.

The Cure for Doubt (James 1:5)

  1. God is the of Wisdom

ASK = present tense – keep on asking

Wisdom of God = His infinite knowledge of the past, present, and future.

We need wisdom so we will not waste the opportunities God is giving us to mature.

  1. God is the of Wisdom

GIVE = present tense – God continually gives

Without reproach – God does not humiliate us for our continual lack of wisdom.

If your theology doesn’t move you to trust God, then what you have is mere academic knowledge without transformative intimacy.

The Calamity of Doubt (James 1:6-8)

  1. Doubt causes in your mind.

Doubting suggests a reluctance to commit oneself wholly to God’s care.

  1. Doubt causes in your reactions.

Doubters lack the inner stability to withstand external forces and are in constant turmoil and indecision.

  1. Doubt causes in your heart.

Instability and immaturity go together.

Count it All Joy

You will not experience joy if you are not trusting the joy-giver.

Joy doesn’t come from your circumstances but from your relationship with God.

What Do You Do with Your Trial?

  1. your trial as a test of faith.
  2. your trial to mature your faith.
  3. God for wisdom to endure your trial with faith.


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