The Underrated: Barnabas

July 23, 2023   /   FBC Glen Este

The Underrated: Barnabas

Sermon by Pastor Bob Johnson / July 23, 2023

Another Bible character who is underrated is introduced to us in Acts 4. His name is Barnabas.

Acts 4:32-37 = Barnabas was an unselfish giver.

-He was known by his . “Surnamed Barnabas, by the Apostles”

-He was known by his . “A Levite and of the country of Cyprus”

-He was known by his . “Having land, sold it, and gave the money to the Apostles.”

An effective encourager gives to causes much greater than themselves.

Acts 9:23-27 = Barnabas trusted God’s working in Saul’s life.

-He up for Saul. “But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles”

-He up for Saul. “And declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way”

-He up for Saul. “And how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus”

An effective encourager sees who people can become.

Acts 11:22-26 = Barnabas focused on building up people.

-He the people of Antioch. “Exhorted them all”

-He was an to the people of Antioch. “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.

-He the people of Antioch. “And taught much people”

An effective encourager points people to Jesus.

Acts 13:1-5, 42-52 Barnabas lived on mission.

-He himself to the gospel message. “They preached the Word of God”

-He boldly the gospel message. “Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold”

-He endured for the gospel message. “And raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas”

An effective encourager walks with others on life’s journey.

Acts 14:8-22 = Barnabas served faithfully in humility.

-Barnabas recognized the of God in Paul’s life. “The same heard Paul speak”

-Barnabas refused to be by men. “Why do ye do these things”

-Barnabas accepted as part of serving the Lord. “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God”

An effective encourager seeks God’s approval, not man’s praise.

Acts 15: = Barnabas took a stand for what was right.

-He believed in the life-changing of God. “Declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought”

-He believed in the faith-growing of God. “Men that have hazarded their lives”

-He believed in the heart-forgiving of God. “Barnabas determined to take with him John”

An effective encourager believes the best in others.


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