How to Connect in a Marriage

June 23, 2024   /   FBC Glen Este

Sermon by Pastor Brent Snook | June 23, 2024

Series: Fight for Your Family

Text: Song of Solomon (selected passages)

Dr. Christiaan Barnard – the South African heart surgeon to have performed the first successful heart transplant

The Song of Solomon

  • a love poem
  • communication between two lovers

Read Proverbs 18:21 and 1 Peter 3:10

“Too many couples just don’t communicate – and therefore, they don’t connect.”

Five Levels of Communication

  1. The level
  2. The level
  3. The level
  4. The level
  5. The level

Intimacy: comes from the Latin word intimus (‘inmost”)

A Biblical example of intimate marital communication is The Song of Solomon

Four Factors of Intimate Communication

I. words

A. Men are oriented

B. Women are oriented

II. words

Read Song of Solomon 5:2

Read Song of Solomon 5:10

III. words

Read Song of Solomon 1:9-11, 15-16

Read Colossians 4:6

What grace is: it is not giving others what they deserve but what they need

Read Song of Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is most sweet” – referring to his words

IV. words

Read Song of Solomon 2:8-14

Read Proverbs 9:17-18

“If you want your honeymoon not to end – start your marriage right.”

Read 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

Ecclesiastes 4:12 “A threefold cord is not quickly broken” – You. Your spouse. God


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